Registration is open until January 31, 2025, to vote electronically or in person.
The California Democratic Party Bylaws will hold Assembly District Election Meetings (ADEMS) in each of the 22 CDP Regions in February of each odd-numbered year to elect 7 “self-identified female” and 7 “other than self-identified female” to be Assembly District Delegates (ADDs) to represent the Assembly District they are registered in. These elections are open to all California Democrats.
Delegates elected vote on the platform, resolutions and endorse candidates so your vote makes a difference in who the party supports and the positions they take. Some in the party (ironically, many of which did not support Democratic candidates) have decided to target the mainstream Jewish community demanding that the party break from supporting a two state solution to demanding an embargo on Israel. They are also seeking to artificially narrow who participates in the California Democratic Party so only they can take part.
As Jewish Democrats we support small "d" democratic values and supporting the party's efforts to make outreach broader, not smaller. We encourage you to register, vote and support the candidates below.
Assembly District 2 Leo Chyi, Jeremy Newton, Jeffrey Huntlach, Michael Harris, Algeo Che Casul, Scott Bauer Meredith Matthews, Melanie Bagby, Ariel Kelley, Melanie Jones-Carter, Felicia Smith, Irene Hodes, Danielle Friedman Assembly District 6 Jason Dantas, Rafa Garcia, Darrow Sprague, Alex Niles, Evan Vragin, Tom Steel, Jonathon Cook (also consider Richard Pan) Tracy Merrex, Patricia Johnson, Tamiko Heim, Alexandra Chavez, Diane Carr, Ellen Bezanson Assembly District 10 Dan Weitzman Assembly District 12 Ryan Day, Mario Ernesto Lopez, Tom McInerney, Kris Organ, Jordan Salberg, Robert Sandoval, Steve Schwartz Melissa Blaustein, Susan Bolle, Sylvia Russell, Janelle Kellman, Rachel Kertz, Joan Lubamersky, Janice Kader Thompson Assembly District 14 Assembly District 16 Assembly District 17 Bart Pantoja, Robert Sandoval, Ernesto Cuellar, Corey Hallman, Seth Brenzel, Hanley Chan, Dr. John Maa Ruth Ferguson, Gisselle Andrade, Diva Harsoor, Meg-Anne Pryor, Jupiter Peraza, Kristin Hardy, Lan Fun Lau Assembly District 18 Nate Hanson, Zac Bowling, Shawn Denino, Ben Gould, Sam Gould, Benjamin Sam David, Sean Dugar Lauren Wilson, Regina Chagolla, Genice Jacobs, Bobbi Jopez, Ashlee Jemmott, Arielle Fleisher, Shelly Fields Assembly District 19 Cliff Yee, Eddie Ahn, Greg Hardeman, Martin Rawlings-Fein, Nick Josefowitz, Alan Wong, Scotty Jacobs Leilani Manuta, Sabrina Hernandez, Nicole Christian, Adrianna Zhang, Gia Daniller, Susan George Assembly District 21David Burruto, Nick Akers Sara Fields, Ashleigh Evans, Annie Tsai Assembly District 23 Sergio Lopez, Pete Dailey, John Pimentel, Gary Kremen, Greer Stone, Joby Bernstein, Lee Gavens Stacy Ashlund, Yan Zhao, IdaRose Sylvester, Maya Bronicki, Jeri Bromley, Margaret Abe-Koga, Lakshmi Sharma, Assembly District 28 Rob Moore, Matt Savage, Ethan Ruskin, Larry Carr, Evan Gotesman, Christopher Paup, Stuart Rovin Olivia Navarro, Kylie Clark, Eve Kedar, Ann Ravel , Lisa Berkeley, Sara Rigler, Alice Saelee Assembly District 30 Alexis Garcia-Arrazola, Cory Black, Muratza Mogri, Ben Gildea, Andrew Goldenkrantz, Jeff Nadel, Eric Palmer Erin Foote, Andrea Chemlik, Kim De Serpa, Kim Barber, Jen Ford, Elena Garcia, Brenda Mack |